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How to add a new Client

Last Updated: February 3, 2025

To add a new client to your Forth Partner portal, you will need to navigate to the Clients tab, which is at the top of the screen (on a desktop machine) or at the bottom of the screen (on a mobile device).

Your list of Clients will be displayed:

Solutions clientslist

You then need to press the Add New Client Button in the top right of the screen.

Adding a new Client

The New Client screen will be displayed:

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Please complete all of the fields marked with a *

Please note: Due to the specific questions asked during this form, it is best to either complete this form with a client present or to create a version of this form for clients to complete prior to an appointment with you.

Here is some guidance about a number of the questions and why they are asked:

  • What is your main goal – This assists our clinical team in tuning their report comments to best aid a client in assessing their progress towards their goal and how their biomarker profile might change as they move towards achieving their goals.
  • Do you exercise/do a sport – This will assist our clinical team in understanding your clients current status and how each metric might be influenced by their level of activity.
  • What is your primary sport – This will permit our clinical team to best understand your client’s health and performance against certain biomarkers
  • Please provide more information on training… – This further characterises your client’s energy expenditure and level of performance. Biomarker advice varies based on a client’s current level as well as their aspirations. For example, the advice around someone doing the couch to 5k program would differ considerably from the advice for an elite ultramarathon runner.
  • Biological sex at birth – This is used to apply the appropriate genetic ranges for biomarkers and allow our clinical team to ensure your clients are safe, and receive accurate comments about their test results
  • Do you take any supplements – Supplements can have some surprisingly profound effects on blood biomarkers. The more information here the better. This contextualises your clients’ results further and assists our clinical team to take into account any likely changes and fine tune their comments around certain biomarkers and steps that can be taken to improve them.

Once you have completed the required fields, press the Save button in the top right of the screen.

The Client Created screen will be displayed:

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As detailed in this screen, your client will receive an email notifying them that an account has been created for them by your organisation.

To amend or add something to this client’s profile, use the View/Edit [Client Name] button in the bottom right of the screen.

To create an Order for this new client, press the Purchase Test button in the bottom right of the screen.

To add another client, press the Add Another Client button in the middle of the screen.

If you have any questions about creating new clients, please use the contact form on this page.

We are dedicated to supporting you and your clients on their health journey. Need assistance? We are happy to help!

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